View Full Version : [PONG] I{night{}wl (CSS)

25-04-2006, 02:55 AM
[PONG] I{night{}wl
You have been acting like a real cunt with no respect for anyone. Enough is enough. I have no regrets in my decision to ban you.

shit hit reg, shit maps, shit plugins and shit people


how about you solve the problems with the server instead of banning the people reacting to them?

furthermore I was answering a question to why there's so much whine on all the big servers, and I just stated that they turn crap after a while, with shit hit reg, shit maps, wierd plugins.

This server worked great not long ago, you might want to think about it.
If you can't handle it, ASK FOR ADVICE, or take a computer/admin course.

**If you can't handle it, ASK FOR ADVICE, or take a computer/admin course.**
Knightowl; maybe u should visit a course for hyperactive ppl?

how am I hyperactive? I have a bad temper, that I can agree to, but hyperactive? eh?

You know I`ve had a go at you before for you attitude towards other players, I just didn`t know anyone else was taking much notice of you. You have real bitterness in you owl and there is no need for it.

Without taking sides, it has been clearly stated that any player making comments about the server etc will be banned.

This is listed in other threads on the forum.


knightowl you were bare rude to me. only last night, and several others yesterday unnecessarily but thats not ban worthy

when you started abusing on piranesi on mic, still not ban worthy maybe thats why i dont even botehr saying anything to you on forum or server, nor responding.

your comments on the server are ban worthy though - i honestly, like floydy, believed it was going unnoticed.
**If you can't handle it, ASK FOR ADVICE, or take a computer/admin course.**

how dare you?

take an anger management course you cocky obnoxious little noob.

dont comeback whiny pance.

02-05-2006, 02:12 AM
Just show's the power and the extent of my mercy!